Reasoning in Biblical Exegesis: From Stephen Langton to Thomas Aquinas - project manager / principal investigator, carried out at University of Warsaw, Faculty of Philosophy, 2021-2023
Stephen Langton Project - team member (project manager: Magdalena Bieiniak, full name of the project: Filozofia i teologia Stefana Langtona († 1228) w kontekście początków nauczania uniwersyteckiego w Paryżu. Krytyczna edycja czterech ksiąg Quaestiones theologiae oraz studium twórczości; financed by the Polish National Science Centre - Narodowe Centrum Nauki), carried out at University of Warsaw, Institute of Philosophy, 2016-2021, see:
Logic and Religion - team member (organizing world congresses on logic and religion, publications and connected initiatives) and since 2021 - treasurer of the Logic and Religion Association (LARA), since 2014, ongoing, see:
Philosophy in Action and Pilosophy Every Day - project manager (projects names in Polish: Filozofia w akcji i Filozofia na co dzień; two educational projects conducted in 17 Mazovian secondary schools with a research component (logical skills measurement); co-financed by the Polish National Centre for Research and Development -- Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju from the European Social Fund), carried out at the University of Warsaw, Institute of Philosophy, 2016-2018, see:,
Survey on the philosophy teaching in lower and upper secondary schools in Poland - project manager, research coordinator (project name in Polish: Badania nauczania filozofii w gimnazjach i szkołach ponadgimnazjalnych), carried out at the Educational Research Institute in Warsaw (Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych), 2014-2015, see:,
The models of reasonings and the approaches to the Scientific Method in Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas (PhD project) (in Polish: Modele rozumowań i ujęcia metody naukowej u Alberta Wielkiego i Tomasza z Akwinu), carried out at and financed by the University of Warsaw, Institute of Philosophy, 2011-2012.